This is a discord bot developed by LucienZ (LucientZ on GitHub). The main function of this bot was originally for the lead developer to learn how to use GitHub and develop software properly. Originally a moderation bot built in JavaScript, DiscordPyBot (aka ‘Dumb Stupid Idiot Bad Bot’) is used for entertainment purposes. The source code of this bot can be found here.
This bot has a variety of commands with different functions. These are invoked by prepending a /
at the beginning of a message and picking a command from the list given by discord itself.
Fun Commands are commands that don’t serve a specific purpose to the bot’s functionality. These are provide
Returns a copypasta from a list of copypastas added by the bot host.
My name is Yoshikage Kira. I’m 33 years old.
My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married.
I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest.
I don’t smoke, but I occasionally drink. I’m in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what.
After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning.
Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning.
Returns an image of a fumo (plush dolls of characters from the series “Touhou”). The images are stored as a list of urls set by the bot host. If the bot host hasn’t set any images, there will only be one with the name “example”.
/fumo name:cirno
Echos specified text from a user. This works similarly to echo in a command prompt.
/echo message:Hello World
Echo: Hello World
Utility Commands are commands that affect functionality of the bot or contain useful information to server admins/owners or developers.
Enables an auto feature throughout the entire server. Note that this does not affect features enabled in specific channels.
Disables an auto features throughout the entire server. This will only work on features that have previously been enabled throughout the server and does not keep a feature from being enabled in the future.
Enables an auto feature in the specific channel this command is used in.
Disables an auto feature in the specific channel this command is used in. This will only work on features that have previously been enabled in the channel and does not keep a feature from being enabled in the future.
A classic among discord bots. Returns Pong!
upon recieving the command and client latency
Creates a help menu which can be used to get a brief look into how commands/features work. If no argument is provided, it simply provides a list of commands/features
Auto Features are things the bot does passively. Many of these features simply parse user messages and act accordingly.
List of feature arguments for enable/disable:
When the bot joins a new server, by default every command will be enabled, but every auto feature will be disabled. Commands can be enabled/disabled through the bot’s server settings on discord. Features can be enabled/disabled via the use of various utility commands.
When a message is sent in a server, the bot will attempt to create a GuildProfile object. This object will save the server config into a JSON file called {server-id}.json
where server-id is the id given by discord to the guild the message was sent in. This JSON will be accessed anytime further action is taken for server config or messages are sent in the server.
JSON Functions: